With Invoice Falcon, you can add a link to your customer’s account page so that they can download the invoice for their orders anytime.

When your customer clicks on this link, they will be redirected to a PDF version of the invoice & they can choose to print the invoice or download it to their device.

To add the links to your customer account page, you will need to make a few small changes to your theme files -

  1. Click on Online Store -> Themes in your Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Click on Actions, and then click Edit Code.
  3. Next, you’ll need to enter this snippet of code into your theme files.

Templates -> customers/account.liquid

Here, you’ll need to add a new column called “Download Invoice” for each order. Each row in this column will have a link and clicking on the link will take the customer to a new tab with their invoice ready to print or download.

Look for this line of code in the file - <td data-label="customer.orders.total">{{ order.total_price | money }}</td>

Press Enter and right underneath this line, add the below snippet of code to the file -

<td><a href='https://app.invoicefalcon.com/pdfs/{{ order.id }}.pdf?shopify_domain=invoicefalconstore.myshopify.com&uuid={{ order.order_number }}'>Download Invoice</a></td>

Note - Replace ‘invoicefalconstore.myshopify.com’ with your store’s myshopify link.

Click Save and that’s it! Your customer account page will be automatically updated to include the new column. :)